The Influence List 2019: Marvin Mitchell

Marvin Mitchell  Photo by Rolf Ringwald


President and CEO

Compass Retirement Solutions

Marvin Mitchell is the founder of Compass Retirement Solutions, specializing in retirement planning, with a focus on helping baby boomers continue to live the lifestyle they desire by keeping it simple and safe with a reasonable rate of return.

He is the host of “Re-thinking Retirement” on NewsTalk KFTK-97.1 FM radio in St. Louis, and is also a speaker, coach and trainer. In 2016, he received the St. Louis County NAACP Distinguished Legacy Award.

Mitchell was the first person in his family to graduate from college; attending Southern Illinois University Edwardsville. And he is passionate about giving back. He and the CRS team volunteer in the community, donate scholarship money for lower-income students and contribute to breast cancer awareness and education.

Career Path

I started in this industry at 21. I was in high school, when I got a call that my grandma was sick with cancer, I moved back to St. Louis to help out. After witnessing her lose a lot of money due to a stock market decline and the high cost of medical expenses, I wanted to help others avoid the same fate. Though it was tough initially when I began building my business, I would always hold on to the inspiration of my grandma. I did daily affirmations and prayer, which allowed me to build my faith and my confidence.

Biggest Mentor

I love being around people who are more experienced and successful than I am. The people you surround yourself with the most affects who you become. I’m a big believer in that. I’m also a believer in learning from those who have struggled. They sometimes have a lot to say to help you to avoid some of the same struggles. My mom was probably one of my biggest influencers because she taught me to never let the circumstances of life dictate your outcome.

Biggest Impact

My story is my impact on the world. I grew up poor, and at one point, my family was homeless. I am an overcomer, and because of our early struggles in life, I help my clients build the same faith and determination to overcome and to live a prosperous retirement.

Future Goals

My goal is to help 1,000 families achieve a thriving life in retirement. I want to alleviate the worry and anxiety that comes from the fear of running out of money and help them to receive a simple plan. I plan to expand my business to Kansas City, Florida and Atlanta.

Favorite Pastime

I love to travel and sit on the beach, but I’m also not opposed to seeing new historical places in the world. Being around my kids is now my most enjoyable thing.

Memorable Life Moment

When my son was born. Watching him look me in the eye and seeing that precious life come into the world is something I will never forget. That moment gave me inspiration that is much greater than myself.

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Vicki French Bennington

Executive editor and senior writer Vicki French Bennington has been with Gazelle Media since its inception. She has a penchant for detail and getting to the heart and soul of the story. Vicki is an award-winning journalist, editor, writer and photographer, and co-author of the non-fiction book, A Life in Parts. She has edited several books for publication, and worked as an independent journalist, writer, editor and consultant for businesses in a variety of industries. She earned a bachelor’s degree in mass communications with a minor in marketing from Southern Illinois University Edwardsville, and has traveled extensively all over the world, particularly the United Kingdom, and lived in Australia for two years. She is a member of the National Association of Professional Women.

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